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Deck Chair

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joggerjayne | 22:07 Wed 02nd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
A friend's daughter has asked me for a deck chair for Christmas, for her bedroom.

I suppose it would be inappropriate to hire one on the Pier, and just steal it?


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Dolt ... I don't know.

It's normally so hard trying to think of a present for a child, that when one tells you what they want, ages in advance ... I didn't ask her "why"??
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It sounds lovely, Chris.

I have been there, but ages ago, and I can't really remember anything about it.
An adult version was in my company when the MD's staff approached BA for a first class seat as he had spent so much time upfront, avoiding his missus by the way.....BA, to their credit, obliged as his occupancy of 1A or 2B was frightening
I think that DTCF has got lost!
Deckchairs are all the thing again, there was a competition recently for a designed design. Ghastly things, deckchairs - you can't get out of one elegantly, and you can cut off the end of your finger unentangling the thing.
thank you sir, if you fly BA what do you expect!?
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Boxy ...

You're right. Even Princess Kate would struggle to get out of a deck chair without waving her legs in the air.

(i) she has "royal" training for that - the avoidance of panties flashing
(ii) why do you think that Queen Vic wore those bloomers that come up for sale on the Antiques Roadshow? - there is in fact a major sale of her Janet Reger wardrobe this weekend, though experts say "the bottom has fallen out of the market." It is purported that Victoria-Regina would have said, "We are not amused."
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But "Princess Victoria" would have loved it.
The reason why some of our visitors cannot get out of deck chairs is that they are three sheets into the wind. Maybe there should be a law "Drunk in Charge of a Deckchair".

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