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firewatch | 12:45 Thu 03rd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Me and the little one just got drenched going to pay bills, shes shivering but wont let me near her to dry her off so chucked a load of blankets on the floor for her and stuck our heater on. Shes got some sausage casserole for lunch but i doubt she will eat much. any one else got drenched today????


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Forecast was for heavy rain so I wore a raincoat when I went out and didn't get drenched.
"shes shivering but wont let me near her to dry her off "
In my opinion you need to be firm and manage her, rather than the other way round.
Grab her and dry her, before she gets a cold and you're up all night! :)

Thankfully, I haven't had to go out today, so no chance of getting wet... yet.
School run soon though, so no doubt I'll get soaked.
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mc mouse, i have fibromialgia and and having a bad day because of the damp, so struggling to pick her up. i have dried her now and she ate all her lunch, so sticker on her sticky chart is in order
Being wet doesn't give one a cold.
Here in Southend on Sea its a beautiful day & to go out with just a Cardi is just fine. Sorry you got wet, perhaps you should pay your bills on line.

Why thank you for correcting me, Bazza.
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i have payment cards so have to go to the post office to pay them.
Shes curled up on her cushion watching cbeebies, i suspect in the next 10 minutes she will be asleep.

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