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Remberence poppies

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Dee Sa | 09:27 Thu 03rd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I was at outpatients with Mr S yesterday and his brother came too as I cannot push the wheelchair anymore, we had a coffee afterwards and there was a box with poppies and the donation tin, so I put in a fiver and took 3 poppies and pinned them on our coats, they were very flimsy and before we reached home two of them had disintegrated, presume they are now made in China instead of the poppy factory in the UK ?


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sure they are still made here, but my first one did the same, tried to pin it on, and it fell to bits. Think you can put it back together, but lost the middle bit, so bought another one.
Hiya em10. I bought the crampex last night and had a peaceful night as a result! hope you have a good day.
GC, thanks, better to have put that on the other thread,

deesa i still can't find the
exact info, however one interesting bit is that terror suspects in jail are refusing to make them, why they would be asked is anyone's guess, so
assume that some are made by prisoners. But remember seeing a programme where disabled people were making thousands of them, and that was in Britain. I think there would be an outcry or should be, if they were made overseas.
Sorry Dee Sa to go off topic here!
if you look at the date of the article, as i did, 2008, and i can't find any more up to date info.
em just had another look, strange, last time i remember reading about them would be the early seventies
was given a leaflet when i bought my poppy telling how and where it was made
Maybe this gives a little more insight:
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I've just bought one for my little granddaughter. She picked one that came with no stem and a sticker on the back. For the life of me I can't work out how to attach it.
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thanks everyone for the answers, I know there used to be a British Legion poppy factory that employed disabled veterans as they used to do coach trips there for a guided tour en route to a day outing for the elderly.
To allow this flag /poppy burning is an outrage if these people dont like our traditions then they should ship out.This should not be tolerated, we would not be allowed into their mother country to insult them.
poppy burning???????
Are the larger ones new? I saw someone wearing one earlier and it just looked a bit wrong, not sure if it's just me. It's a symbol of respect and rememberence, not a fashion accessory
The larger silk type dress poppy has been around many years, there is a wide range of jewellery too available on the Poppy Sop site, however you choose to put your money in is fine with me. I have bought a brooch this year and still add to collection boxes each day too.
^^shop - sorry
We had the same probs mrs owd was pinning it on my jacket when it dropped in bits not good

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Remberence poppies

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