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Has anyone else noticed how quickly the nights are drawing in?

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Barmaid | 17:46 Sat 05th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
Last weekend, when we put the clocks back, my girls (chickens - who go to bed at dusk) were going to bed at 5.15pm.

7 days later, they are tucked up at 4.35pm. What a difference a week makes!


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r u drunk DT?
aww the poor little chucks probably wonder what's going on lol !!! You'll have to get them a little henhouse clock BM.

.... and who is that Bibee pudding ??!!
Should be t w @ t ! see if that comes out this time !
not yet piggy - haven't even had a glass today. yet!
the pudding has been suspended - could be an ex-ABer.....
Lol piggy. I don't think DT has been on the wine... but it's still early :D (Joke, DT. Joke) :)

Athley, she/he/it wasn't around for long... though I don't think that's the last we'll be seeing of it.
It hasn't really got light here today, really miserable.Central heating on now, curtains closed. Just had fish and chips (comfort food). What's on the telly (apart from that awful dancing programme which promotes rudeness - oops, have I gone too far!)
No joke - I wouldn't mind a glass of the red grape juice, but not yet.....a black tea and some homemade raspberry and vanilla sponge cake to come.
what, rudeness on the telly with Strictly, or on here, or both, helly?
Rudeness? What do you mean, helly?

That sounds lovely, DT, the cake :) Not sure about the black tea (yuk!) but definitely the red grape juice! :-) Kids are staying at my parents this evening, so I'm thinking the same.
Not on here, you're all (well mostly) lovely. I mean the attitude of the judges to the contestants. I can't bear it. At least I'm in good company with Stephen Fry - he doesn't like programmes which humiliate people either.
just as well as B00 is not around as to the cake......

the red wine bottle awaits - but then I may head out for "une verre" as well. I have a recommendation from my "supplier" in Truro, a Flavium, a Mencia Red wine from Bierzo in Spain

It is described as "This spicy little red, however, shows the region's potential. Beefy and slightly reductive, with cherry, cocoa, and cola notes, it makes a great casual wine." We shall see but his other latest tip is one of the best I have tasted this year.
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Jeez, I only made a comment about how the nights are drawing in. Some people could start a fight in an empty church. (Aimed at the recently suspended poster!)

My chooks are unhappy. Next door are setting off rockets. I've been stood by the bonfire and checking the hen house. They are chucking and cooing which is not normal. Poor girlie girls.
can't you bring them in, Barmaid?

share the sofa for a few hours..
Would that not basically just give ASBO a walking buffet service? :c)
see? everyone's happy :o)
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lol, ASBO has met his match in Marge, China. Marge is my big show girlie (she's breed typical and absolutely beautiful). She will not take any crap whatsoever from any cat/human/chicken. She chases them off her patch. ASBO gives her a wide berth cos she is just so nasty. He will at least walk across the garden, whereas if next door's cat sees her, he legs it. Marge is the ASBO of the chicken world!!!! She makes me die laughing. I think she is really an egg laying cock.

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Has anyone else noticed how quickly the nights are drawing in?

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