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My new ' ubnt AIROS 5' Server wont allow Avast to re register although it updates daily

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Almendros | 10:28 Sun 06th Nov 2011 | Technology
3 Answers
It also stops SAS updateing so I have to substitute these two which would be the best free ones. I am updating malwarebytes with no problem.
I have XP with Firefox but only 55g disc and 1G memory so nothing too heavy.
Perhaps one would be enough if it covers my losses.
Thanks for any advice


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Can't see any reason why avast wouldn't register if it's updating, both are done using standard port 80 HTTP so if ones working the other should really.

I assume SAS is super anti spyware? if so I would have thought that uses port 80 for updates too, if not it'll be port 443 which is HTTPS so if you can access secure web pages that should work too.

Anyhow, I'd suggest Microsoft security essentials as one of the best free AV programs these days, that and malwarebytes should be plenty good enoough.
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Thanks a lot Chuck, I will have a look for those ports and see if it tells me anything
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Hi Chuck, In Windows Firewall...Advanced...Settings for internet users, there was a block of items all unticked. I ticked HTTP and HTTPS and then rebooted and tried to update Superantispyware and register on Avast, but they just got blocked. Should I untick what I have done ?
I didnt mention that on the FAQ of SAS they suggest taking it out and putting it back using their uninstallers.I reloaded 4 times on different days One of them I did in safe mode but no luck.
I will wait for Avast to finish and if I cant reload, I will go with MSE as you suggested....Thanks

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My new ' ubnt AIROS 5' Server wont allow Avast to re register although it updates daily

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