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Good Morning My Lovelies

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albaqwerty | 06:33 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
A big pot of tea has just been made and coffee is percolating away nicely.

Help yourselves please xx


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Tch, Under the bosses thumb me thinks. far..what do we have....
1. Sun

2. excess baggage..(suggestive of air travel?.

3. South.

(C'mon people..I can't do it all myself.)
10/10 for effort Noraq.
Oh and Travel Pass.......Europe?
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Menorca Nora x
Morning my dears

See the rutt is carrying on as usual...those two will be on Autumnwatch this friday...

Just had a nice roasted hazelnut mocha...couldn't face normal coffee this morning.. a treat now and then is a good thing...

Being restricted in the evenings have been accused of being addicted to the site ...I'm not honest I can give it up any time......

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Good Morning My Lovelies

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