My beautiful missus this morning left me in bed till 1030, then woke me with a cuppa and a bacon sarnie for breakfast. She then said I could buy myself a Playstation 3!
Am I the luckiest bugger in the world? I think so!
My oh doesn't need my permission to buy anything, he does insist on asking me though. If you read my last post properly you would see that I said it is his money and he can spend it on what he wants.
She is obviously feeling guilty about what really happened the other night. You know that evening when she said she was meeting her friend for a pizza and a catch up on the gossip .........
To be fair daffy 654 you didn't make that clear. Your post said "my oh couldn't believe it when I said he could buy himself a massive HD TV", which made it sound like your permission had to be granted.
Had you said "my oh had some spare cash, he discussed with me buying a HD TV and I agreed it would be a good idea/nice treat" would have made it sound a little more like a joint decision, not one where prior mermission was a pre-requisite!
Philtaz, the money was 'sort of' earmarked for something else (for the house) so my oh felt he had to ask for permission. He needn't have though because (as I said before) it is his money to do with as he wishes.
He was saving his overtime money as he said he would like to spend it on a new sofa, he then said he would prefer to spend it on a new TV and did I mind.
Clear now?