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Cool Coat

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joggerjayne | 18:56 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Tis The Season To ...

... buy a cool new coat.

There's a jolly little article in G2 today, about coats.

What sort of coat are you going for this winter?


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slapshot .....we are a tough breed up here need to be in winter. Snap also aberdeenshire
I seem to be living in a black waterproof lately,and I'm fed up with it. I have a lovely coat I bought 2 or three years ago-a rather expensive chocolate brown,hooded wrap-made out of baby Llama. Like wearing a soft blanket...but very impractical,as I always had to adjust it,or re-do the belt.

So my choice this year is the 'cocoon coat' on here -

It was a case of putting it on,and it felt 'right'. I like the slightly retro look of it.
mine is very similar to this, i've had it for about 20 years http://images.eseller.../bw_parka_olive_1.jpg
I like that coat Steg - himself would go mental if I said I wanted a new coat though (he bought me the heavy one which was a stupid price, even though it was from TKMaxx, can hardly walk when I wear it as it weighs a ton).
I have a black 3/4 Coat padded and waterproof and pep it up with Accessories. (I must have about 40 plus pashminas!) For really cold days I have a silver skijacket with a hood and fake fur trimming bought in the men's Department - they're longer! -
Bit late to answer - I've been on Skype talking to my sister in Spain. What a miracle! Anyway, description of new coat - knee length, buttons up to the neck or less if you like, pockets, colour is mixed black and grey sort of squares. Problem with buying cheap and cheerful is you see many others with the same pattern and style, but what the heck, I'm too old to worry about that as long as it keeps me warm.

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