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As we approach Remembrance Day...

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Nibble | 09:36 Sat 05th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Food for thought.



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i bow my head and give thanks to those who are braver than i could ever be....god bless you all past and present ..we well remember them....
et al ?
on tv last night they posted a picture of the most recent soldier who had been killed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he was a wee boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to all past and present. ♥
We may not have respect for the government that sent them there to die but everyone of these men and Women will have my utmost respect, dead or alive.

I wish them all to come home safely!!
Exactly my sentiments Ratter - I have nothing but contempt for a succession of UK governments acting out macho 'global policeman' fantasies which should have been consigned to Victorian history books ...

... and nothing but humble praise, respect and thanks for the work and sacrifices of every single member of the 'rank and file' armed forces.
ther but for the grace of the almighty.have a step-son in the army,thankfully not yet been posted 'out there'
I weep for all those lost young lives with their fresh young faces smiling out at us from photographs - how DO their families cope. If possible, I will be wearing my poppy with even more pride now. Bless them all.
Thanks for posting this Nibble.

Lest We Forget.
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No problem Phil, I truck round EU every day, and always say thanks to the graves, (of ALL nations), when I pass them/see them... Some cemetaries are small, but for the guys there, are their final place! Lest us Forget!----Never!!!

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As we approach Remembrance Day...

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