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Habits you got from your parents

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Postdog | 12:57 Thu 10th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I just went to make a cuppa for me and the other half, and once again she had left an empty kettle which I had to refill.

Not a hardship I know, BUT a habit obtained from my mum was to always have water in the kettle because you'll never know when you may not have water to fill it and this way you will always be able to have a cuppa.

It's a habit obtained from the old days years ago when pipes bursting in winter were common but it has stuck. I wouldn't mind but a few months ago we were in such a position because building work up the street caused a burst pipe and our water was off for hours. Fortunately I had made the last cuppa so we had a full kettle and at least got a couple of cups from it.

Rant over.


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arwyn I always put pillow openings to the middle to stop bad dreams getting in lol
I always put the pillow openings to the outside to stop a small person getting their head stuck in the pillowcase (not such a problem now, but thing 1 was titchy and they have all been terrible bed bunnies).
Are you in the Midlands, firewatch? when I first moved to Birmingham, my work colleagues used to say "Are you all right?" - which we'd only say in the south if someone was looking ill. It worried me at first, that they thought something was wrong with me!
From my dad, I get the habit of getting up at 5am - unfortunately he used to go to bed at 930 when I was a child, I don't do that so I always feel tired :-(

From my mum, I inherited her business skills, and her complete lack of interest in housework :-)
I now shout at people on TV that annoy me - how I used to mock and laugh at my mum when she did it!
Just goes to show how much of family life is wrapped up around the kettle! I can't leave a light/lamp on if I'm not in the room - our house was a huge Victorian one (without an OS map you were doomed to roam for years) - always remember my father muttering ' the little wheels are going round and around in the cellar' - and it was sooooooo cold I now conserve any heat!
So I'm not alone with the pillowcases ha ha.

As for shouting at the T.V our Son always told my Hubby to not do it as he sounded like Grandad, out for lunch with Son a few days ago when he said he found himself shouting at the T.V and thought to himself "God I sound like my Dad.

One thing I got from my Mam was to iron everything, socks, tea towels, valance sheets but after almost 30 years I now don't iron a thing and none has ever noticed..
No boxtops, me mam was an essex girl but did have rellies in brum.
My Mum was a legend in her own life time. Pillowcases had to have the openings on the outside so the angels could get in and out easily. If you drop a comb on the floor you have to touch it with your left foot first before picking it up. No shoes or hats on the table. Spill salt on the table throw it over your shoulder. When it thunders turn mirrors to the wall. She once had rollers in her hair and was down the garden when it thundered, she screamed and pulled all the rollers out ad scattered them as she ran up the garden as she thought she would get struck by lightening.

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