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oh my katie ?

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anneasquith | 13:03 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
i have just seen some photographs of katie middleton, she looks so thin .


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She seems no different to me. I do think however that she has always looked older than she is and won't age well. Having said that, so what.
i was thinner than her at the same age and i ate like a horse. i think she looks just the same as many a young slim girl her age does, most definately not worryingly thin. i really wish people would leave her alone with their comments about her weight, she looks really lovely.
SIRandyraven - that is a horrible remark to make ...........
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whats the difference between Katy middleton and a counterfeit dollar?
ones a phoney buck

Maybe like a lot of young couples she is worried about getting a large mortgage for their first home and how they will cope on one wage when she starts to have kids and the normal stuff.
oh maybe not ....forgot they live of our money dont they
Perhaps you could ask for the return of 60p, a year, that it apparently costs you, if you are that hard up SIRar?
I think she looks like a happy young lady in a very pretty dress.
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maybe its all the " hard work " she is doing ?
Yes, I would say that has a great deal to do with it Anne.
Yes. It's probably taking a bit of time to get to grips with.
Why are people being so mean to her.
You say "hard work", obviously taking the Fosters, but can you imagine the amount of stress this woman is under? The cameras are on her 24/7, and she has quite high expectations to live up to, to all those people who see her as the next "Englands Rose", Diana.

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oh my katie ?

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