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Catholic Herald 2

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dave1948 | 13:53 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Two to do but I can't see them

5d Terms put in,for example, the appropriate letter about the Bishop place (4) ?E??

10a With an all-embracing card, travel by sea perhaps (4)
??i? Surely not sail ?


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5d fees?-bishop place-see
10a must be sail but can't figure out the clue
Question Author
Thank you Quinie

Fees would appear to be right but why f = the appropriate letter.

Assuming fees is correct 10a is now s?i? which again gives sail
but what is an all-embracing card ?
5d maybe (at a stretch):- for example = e.g. and the appropriate letter to put in between those 2 is F ...efg...
Sorry,can't figure that one out yet but I'm sure some-one will help you
Question Author
Thank you biblebub and quinie.

Both of you are extremely generous with answers and time.

I do like to tease out the reasoning behind and at a stretch can see the f in fees as explained but in 10a I can't see why sail apart from the very obvious travel by sea !!!
Do youi think it might be swim ? i.e. SIM with W for with ?
Nice one samovar - w = abbreviation for with
Question Author
Thank you Samovar. Never even considered swim but may well be right

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