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Freddy Mercury

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McMouse | 10:56 Sat 12th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just listening to a radio prog about Freddy Mercury. Can't believe he died 20 years ago.


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20 years? That is depressing.
My brother in law was living with us at the time. He sobbed...
I cried more when Marc Bolan went into a tree.
What year was that?
I went on a blind date the day after it hit the newspapers, Queen was on the jukebox, and he had been to a concert-I was very jealous, never had another date though.....
Bolan, 1977
good news....
sabbath are reforming.
should be interesting
Ohhhh.....I was only 4.

Yes Piggy...that should be interesting.
Will you stop doing ^that!!! :o(
Sorry x
I was listening to it too and the 20 years shocked me. Never really been a Queen fan but realised in the programme I could sing along word perfect to every track they played!
Great showman and I always liked his obvious.... joy.. in performing
Freddie had one of the great voices of rock.

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Freddy Mercury

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