farleigh hospice just the job in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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farleigh hospice just the job

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jim45 | 12:23 Tue 15th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
any help please, just two more i'm unsure of ,no.24 sounds as if he works with minerals [7] letters no.75 one who replaces an end perhaps [8]letters ,all answers are occupations ,thanks for any help.
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75 Retailer
Oarsman ?
Hi gen x
24 oarsman (ores man)?
long time no see Mazie
wd Mazie
I know gen. I hope you are both fit and well? Should be moving up your way next year
Hi grasscarp x
Question Author
many thanks grasscarp ,gen2 ,and mazie ,i think i've finished now .
I'm not actually doing this quiz, but I have found it very interesting. I'm trying to figure out the answers to "She doesn't like sea cruises" and "Paid by the parish to search for foxes"
1st one LANDLADY
2nd one BEAGLE
Thanks for that Gen. Simple when you see it! Caused me some torment!
. . . or BEADLE?
I thought of Beagle away at the start, but the poster said it was nine letters??

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farleigh hospice just the job

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