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joggerjayne | 21:47 Tue 15th Nov 2011 | Technology
34 Answers
How does one wire up a sub woofer to an amplifier ?

And would the neighbours be annoyed ?


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Hang on deggers ... I'll take a look ...
Question Author
Hmm ... the amp in that room is a NAD 3130 ... a bit old, I know, but I like it. It's simple.

I have a newer amp in another room, but no obvious "sub output" on the back.

So ... no stomach thumping for me??
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Aww ... cute, daffy.
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I have another question ...

<< waves hand in air, hoping to attract attention >>

I've noticed that some sub woofers are solid boxes, with no hole or grill for the sound to come out.

What's the deal there ???
The speaker probably points downwards, it doesn't matter which way a sub points (or where you locate it in a room) as human ears can't detect what direction deep bass comes from.
May have a downward facing speaker and a grille on the underneath of the box - good for rattling floorboards (or downstair's neighbour's ceiling light fittings).
<must type faster>
<must type faster>
<must type faster>

My sub woofer is very sexy.............
Question Author
Oh, golly ... that sound quite antisocial.

But also quite jolly.
Question Author
How does it sound, crafty ?
Mines enormous...

And so is the sub.
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And now, our Wednesday afternoon film ... Carry On AnswerBank
Infamy Infamy, they've all got it in ...

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