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moonraker558 | 17:33 Wed 16th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I have changed my AV in Gravatar but it is not changing in AB, any reason for this would one know?


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Got mine today after 4days.....this is Edward
Awww, Commoner, that is so cute!
venator, I have done this with 3 different emails, done exactly that and nothing but a bl**dy jellybean person.
so sorry netbiza - grottytar must have hidden flaws.

has Debbie not been round, though?

Ab Editor has been chasing them as have I, but no response

all I can say is worse things happen at sea than avatar deprivation

Find solace at the site of worship for Ab Editor - click on the sacred red letters and he shall taake away all you troubles - well perhaps............
Worse things happen at sea I agree, but its nice nevertheless to have a change of avatar , especially when you 're used to be able to swap to and fro on a whim.

Thanks Gravatar for sorting it , I'd like to think we helped with all of our emails to them.
I am still "unsorted" grrrrr!

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