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I'll bet the horses feel stupid.

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abstibus | 13:42 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
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Good for Romany weddings.....
gives new meaning to "bridal path"
Does the women in the photo think she is Barbie!!!
Call me a cynical old spoilsport ..

... "you're a cynical old spoilsport, dave" ...

.. but I wonder how the average longevity of marriages with this sort of 'money no object' wedding compares with those which start with a 'modest do at registry office' sort of event.

I sort of feel that if it all goes wonderfully well, then real life may always be a disappointment ...
wow, chuckie when we get married that's what i want

just so you know
what happens if the coach changes back into a pumpkin halfway there, fluffy?

I suppose you could eat it before proceeding on foot
chuck will carry me of course
i'm upset now
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See how the bride is showing off her right hook?
Bit trashy innit !
Is that the ugly sister?
euphemia, which one, truly horrible
The shocking pink one
just goes to show that there's no business like show business.
Looks more like the hammer house of horrors.
Sure it's not a wind up, i mean no one surely would want to look like that on their wedding day.

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I'll bet the horses feel stupid.

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