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Just out of interest......

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netibiza | 12:50 Sat 19th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
What avatar am I today to you all.


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neti - a poppy
robinia - on your profile - 1 poppy, 2 gardens(?),the rest your dog
On this thread you are a fairy with a magic wand. On your profile you are a grumpy old woman.
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Ah well, I must be all things to all men, and in life I am a grumpy old woman!!!
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Robinia on here I see the bridge thing, and on your profile I see a poppy!
netibiza - a divine fairy Godmother
Fairy godmother on here and Grumpy on your profile - prefer the fairy!

Ronina is poppies

D97 - prefer the polar bear!

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Just out of interest......

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