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Don't you just love the thread.

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micmak | 23:40 Sat 19th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
That says "couldn't that thread when all you did was go to the bathroom


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Sorry Micmak, have you been drinking LOL
-- answer removed --
non comprende?
Say that again micmak.
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I missed out retrieved tho I did type it
Sorry Micmak.
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Shall I start again. Sorry Can't retrieve that thread. When all I did was go to the bathroom.
Micmak has lost the thread in the toilet. He says he typed it but has no proof; best to go back to the bathroom and retrace steps. He can't retreive it but we can't help him however much we try.
That will teach you to only go to the bathroom at break and lunchtime.
He ought to have taken Izal loo roll, then he could have traced an answer.
last time I offered anyone a cup of tea and a biccy tonight the thread was pulled so I won't offer Micmak the same
Did you lose the thread down the loo micmak and perhaps flush it away LOL :)
I've already had a couple of posts removed tonight (no idea why) so I may in fact not be here.................

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