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Aaaaaand ... Relax!

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joggerjayne | 19:27 Mon 21st Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Aaah, it's after six ...

The work lappy has been ignored for long enough for the screen saver to appear ...

... the Beaujolais Nouveau is poured ...

... and we're heading towards the weekend.


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Even AnswerBank is less orange than a KTM !
^^^ best answer ^^^
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thank u

You've been Tangoed.
Was it Georges de Boeuf(sp)
Home now and heading for the weekend along with the rest of you!
Question Author
Georges Duboeuf ?

Err ... it might be.

Welcome back, Maidup. The weekend is even closer now !!

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Aaaaaand ... Relax!

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