Dear OG,
I just want to say I`m really sorry I was rude to you on the bread thread two nights ago. I had come back from work that morning where we had had a situation that could have turned very nasty indeed. I didn`t think it had affected me. The ironic thing is, it all started with a smell of burnt sesame and progressed from there and mention of burnt sesame must have "hit a nerve" with me. As said, I shouldn`t have been rude so for that, I apologise.
No problem. One has to let stuff on forums be like 'water off a duck's back' anyway or one would never visit them. Although I fail to avoid posting a response when I spot them :-) Appreciate the apology though, unexpected, as said no problems here.
Hi AB editor sorry to break in on 237SJ's thread but can you tell me if the problem with the back button will be fixed soon,please? I' m not very computer literate and am a bit timid of carrying out suggested instructions.Probably have to ask my daughter to help me!Thank you.