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just wondering

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mccfluffy | 20:54 Mon 21st Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Does anyone know how one would go about girding their loins?


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Your partner can wear whatever he likes, prudie
A playtex 18 hour girdle? (with fingertip panels!)
I think I am going to play the piano........
Make sure you don't griddle the lions - unless you've got a large barbecue
Gelding lions is a very precarious pursuit.So im led to believe.
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She wasnt amenable in fact shes gone off to watch villa with fatty, must really of neen a bad idea
As it's late, past the watershed, have a laugh - watch out at the end - you can easily miss the answer, as if you really care...
I girded a loin of pork with apple sauce for lunch yesterday.
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Cant get it to play on my phone :-(
I am gen interested tho, just wrapped up in some silliness as its cb
Strapping your bits up if you are a man before going into battle... so they don't dangle and are therefore no longer at risk of being lopped off by a stray sword thrust

Not a problem ladies have due to superior design
Unless, of course, you're a lady archer - it can be painful, I'm told, if you forget one of these


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