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The History of The Sumac

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albaqwerty | 07:35 Thu 24th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Unknown tribe of Native American vegetarians, distant cousin of the Arapaho.

Well, if I've to put up with Mr Alba and his burblings, I don't see why I can't share it with you :D


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interesting, i know someone who had a sumac tree in their garden once, does that count.
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lol that makes more sense than Mr Alba, but that wouldn't be difficult :)
as Stephen fry would say Quite interesting
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Fascinating read Em, thank you.
it would seem that it was revered as a powerful medicine, can't find an actual tribe called the sumac, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. Only remember the person who had the tree, was told to be careful as it roots went right under the house and had a habit of causing subsidence, so was advised to remove it, not sure if true
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We were playing a word game and one of the answers was 'sumac' I made the mistake of asking aloud, what on earth is a sumac.
He then burbled but I know him. Straight-faced means he's at it!!
Googled and discovered it was a herb, but your link was more informative about it.
my o/h used to do that, he would have been a great poker player.
Sumac is a spice used in middle eastern cooking......or at least it is in my house.
Yma Sumac was a Peruvian singer - just a bit of trivia.
Brenden i know her, brought a bit of spice to her singing, oooh

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