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What does pmsl mean?

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venator | 01:15 Fri 25th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
i'm a dinosaur - not a big toothy one, more a little orange striped skittish chap.

so explain the clever abbreviations, please...


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OK markrae - you stand back from these posts and comment from your high IQ ivory tower.

does this contribute to the AB site, or should you find a cleverer place?
Feeling superior is his thing. But I really think it's down to insecurity.
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poor mark, I've got my violin out!
Smug, spose he ma loved him ? squared
> Smug, spose he ma loved him ? squared

What language is that...?
O for a muse of fire
what yer mean, is that posh talk?
If you think that Shakespeare is 'posh talk', then yes.

It REALLY won't hurt you, you know...
I only had a secondary modern education and I only remember reading Dylan
Thomas and George Orwell.
So why pretend to be stupid? You so clearly aren't..
I failed my 11plus to get into a grammar school, but I wouldn't have fitted in

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What does pmsl mean?

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