I posted on here a few months back about my fear of our neighbour smoking as he had just had oxygen equipment put in his house as he has COPD, well what do you know, our friend who helps him out came round saying "he looks like something out of a tom and jerry cartoon" all black face with singed hair and beard and he melted the tubes too. he is ok luckily, I think he is very stupid, it could have been worse, just thought I would post this as a warning too, it is very dangerous the both together.
My dad used to do this when I was little. Luckily he never had any accidents with his. I can clearly remember going to his house and seeing him with a lighted cig in one hand and an oxygen mask in the other.
My sister suffered with COPD and had an oxygen tank at home, no matter how many times we told her not to do it she would 'light up' with her oxygen on, she was so lucky not to have blown herself and the house up. She also used to throw her inhalers on the fire and wonder why they went off with a loud bang! That's the trouble with being short on oxygen, it affects the brain too.
Not on Youtube, mores the pity, he really is a nice man and I thought intelligent, never mind, hopefully there wont be a next time. We had to call the company that installed his equipment as he melted the tubes and needed more, he was not happy to see he had been smoking and my neighbour tried to say he had not been smoking, full ashtray, smell of fags, and tobacco on the tubes LOL
One of our neighbours had a guest for Christmas who arrived with their oxygen equipment then smoked...it caused a (smallish but still had to have the fire brigade) fire....they were none too pleased, especially as they had just finished re-decorating their house at vast expense...
I don't think he was asked back.
I didn't see him all burnt, the neighbour told us lol The oxygen man liased with us as we called him out to replace the melted tubes. Laurel and Hardy lol or maybe frank Spencer
Driving into Canterbury yesterday afternoon, the van behind me had 'Medical Oxygen' written large across the bonnet and a driver who was smoking like a chimney, I was quite pleased when he turned off at the Hospital.