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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 00:50 Sun 27th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers


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I'd tell you everything if you'd pick up that telephone...
evening mamya and mark
From 4:24 to the end remains one of my favourite passages in rock music ever...
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Hi Paddy xxx

Have to agree Mark , that is fantastic!!
Indeed! Anyone who's ever stayed up all night drinking with friends will understand "One more toast to greet the morn, The wine and dine have danced till dawn" :-)
Just one more time!
If from 5.00 to the end doesn't do it for you, then you really don't get prog rock!

Tonight before you lay down
To the sweetness of your sleep
Do you question your surrender
To the drop from lovers' leap?
Or does the anaesthetic darkness
Take hold of its very own?
Does your body rise in service
With not one dissenting groan?
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It's that time again so I'll leave you with one from Mr Dylan
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Try the old way
Yes to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free 13:22 Fri 07th Oct 2011Report Bobbisox Question Author xxxx I like that timeless one too marval x 13:22 Fri 07th Oct 2011Repor
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Night night Paddy xxx
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Night night song from Mamya♥

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