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Gary Glitter, travel rerstrictions lifted...

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sandyRoe | 13:45 Sun 27th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
He may now be free to travel, but the countries he might want to visit are also free to refuse him entry.
Would the authorities here be infringing his human rights if they notified those other countries of his past record?


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I thought they had to. Maybe I'm wrong though....

I know 19 countries refused him entry after his arrest so I think they'd be on the look out for him...
Dont worry..he leaves a trail like a fact he is a Slug!!
I doubt it; I think countries regularly tell each other about criminals heading their way.

There was a thread on this subject the other day that got pulled, with a couple of ABers suspended, for what were presumably bad-taste responses. So others might like to stay on-topic here.
Bad taste jokes....very inappropriate.
atrollope - that's an insult to a slug !
I have a signed Gary Glitter Album.
In a box with all the other records from the 70's somewhere in the loft.
Remember being quiet proud to have a signed album when I was a kid.
oh well ....

Does he still get royalties from his music ?
Sure I read somewhere he sold the rights many years ago to some company for many millions.
-- answer removed --
oh seems he does ...
Wow £200K a year !


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Gary Glitter, travel rerstrictions lifted...

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