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Be Reem...

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fliptheswitch | 02:56 Mon 28th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just be REEM.....

(Google, if you're a bit confused)

REEM = nice hair
REEM = nice clothes
REEM = nice tan
REEM = Just being REEM!


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You may get sent to the naughty stair for advertising without a licence!
What's wrong with Essex, we're not all dumb blondes you know!
Nothing wrong with Essex, just wondered if it was linked is all.
Have you googled it. Not all the definitions are nice, especially the one in the
urban dictionary.I'd have to through the swear filter thingy and even I hate this
particular word!
flipthe switch come back and tell me and mamyalynne what you mean.
I must away to my cot, will check back tomorrow for enlightenment.
Night Cupid xxx
Night mamyalynne, God bless and sweet dreams.xx
I'd prefer not to if it is all the same to you.... I used to live in Essex but escaped....
Well, I've tried Googling REAM ...

It sounds a bit uncomfortable.
this comes up when googling reem - i don't want that hair or tan, no clothes... maybe
Irritating chavvy expression... but then reem individuals like myself don't have to use the latest buzz word...nooooo I'm way to cool for that:)
Reem vs. D:reem
Mark Wright vs. Prof. Brian Cox
which is it?
Urban Dictionary not quite so positive!!
Still none the wiser.
Urban dictionary definition of Reem here
fliptheswitch what dictionary did you use ???
Question Author
Lol, Nox. It doesn't come so naturally to some of us. Show off! :D

Paul, hmmm.... interesting. I'd choose the prof, over Wrighty.

Rowan, I don't blame you. I've never been to Essex, but it does look pretty dire!
Can I pass on the tan part, I am peaches and cream.
Question Author
Of course. To be honest, it's not really the right time of year for a tan, anyway... :P

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