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rosamundjohn | 21:11 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Business & Finance
43 Answers
I have paid more than 30 years contributions and now i not entitled to a pension until I am over 66!
I still keep paying! Am I stupid?
Promises not kept.
I will probably never get one. Comments please.
Yes born in 54!


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The sums for the government pension may not add up any more, but forcing folk to hold on to their jobs for years more than they were told they'd have to doesn't help the public spend significantly. What is saved on one budget is spent on another.
14:03 Wed 30th Nov 2011
I wasn't per se bednobs, by they seem to want my support by me doing their job for them today. I've had to both work and provide an education for my kids.
as do we...they raid our pot, they'll go after yours next.
they've already had mine lgc - paying 3 times more for half as good benefits and a later retirement age. I will have worked 50 years before I get any state pension if such a thing still exists by then. I dnt think it's great that people are getting less than they were led to expect, but when the pot is empty it's empty and yes, it is crap but that's the way it goes. In the private sector they are making profits while raiding your pension. If it was for the sake of the company being in trouble and needing to dig deep to keep them operating and myself in a job then I'd be more supportive and that is kind of the situation that the public sector are in at the moment.

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