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Bad Week For Susanna

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joggerjayne | 08:00 Fri 02nd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
After Susanna Reid's awful neckline gaff on (Tuesday, was it?), today she seems to be wearing scrunched up tin foil.

Susu ... you used to be SUCH a sharp dresser. What ARE you doing?


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I thought she looked happier this morning :)

She's been very witty and chatty, complete contrast to Tuesday.
Question Author
It's the end of the week for her, now her Sunday morning programme has finished. She's looking forward to knocking off for the weekend in two hours.
Have they pulled the plug on the Sunday morning one?
Question Author
No, but the current series has finished.

It was a "We'll be back in (whenever it was)" type of thing.
I like Susannas blouse/skirt..and Anne Diamond is looking really well
Question Author
Is Anne D on the other side?
Agree AT, haven't seen her look as good for ages.

Thanks for that, I get confused these days with what has finished for a while and what has been pulled :)
Question Author

Isn't Anne Diamond on ITV?
JJ she's just been interviewed by Charlie and SR :)

Have another coffee
Question Author
Oh. I've wandered out of the kitchen.

Sorry ... =0(

Actually, even for a party, I'm not sure about Susu's blouse, now. That big tin foil bow on the front, at waist level, is a bit "five year old".

That's five year old as in "still at prep school".

Not five year old as in "bought in 2006" LOL
Isn't the entire style a bit '70's?

I like the colour but couldn't wear it.
Question Author
It is,alba.

It's like something your slightly embarrassing aunt would be wearing in an old wedding photo.

And the colour is really skin draining. You need a good tan (or make up dept) to carry off that sort of colour.
I knew there was a reason for colour photos. At least in black and white you couldn't quite work out whether the outfit was worn as the result of a lost bet.

Having seen the weather-girl, I'm sure that neckline is simiar to Tuesday's SR dress. A job-lot maybe?
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They're now interviewing some woman in a cocktail blouse.

What happened to the snappy "business breakfast" look?
Who is Susanna Reid?
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Susu presents Breakfast telly on BBC1
Ah I see, I don't watch any breakfast tv.

I have no fashion sense whatsoever so I wouldn't be able to comment anyway.

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