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Socrates RIP

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sandyRoe | 16:58 Sun 04th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
One of the great footballers, I think.


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Gee, I thought for a minute from the heading that you meant Socrates, he would have been 2500 years old - quite a record!
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Didn't he play for Panathenikos?
That is sad news sandy.I remember him as a tall ,commanding figure in the Brazil team,but a very graceful,skilled footballer.RIP Socrates.
He did, alongside Aristophanes :-)
RIP socrates, gone too soon.
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"I must say atrolllope, you must be the most knowledgeable woman I have ever met on the subject of football.

congratulations. "

You patronising git, lol!
greatly entertaining to watch.
Yes Space name..haha.."if the cap fits..."
In answer to your query...I am a big fan of "The Beautiful Game" for many years..
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?...I are a div

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Socrates RIP

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