I am desperate to register my objection to change in Sun.Tg. crossword, but do not know how to make contact, [elderly and not too internet expert]. please help
Hi edgar
There is an online feedback form for complaints about the crossword..but if you are not too sure sure about all this I suggest you write to
Telegraph Group Limited
1 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
London E14 5DT
Mark your letter for the attention of the crossword editor.
Failing that if you can get someone to guide you through it this is the online feedback form http://telp.gfm.co.uk/cgi-bin/TELP_feedback2.cgi
thank you bobobalde111 and shaneystar, it is,nt so much the prizes, as the quality of the puzzle.I have won one prize, on the Telegraph, but enjoy the fun.The contact on this site, with other xworders, is great, and one builds a mental picture of other contestants.Thanks for the information shaneystar, will try that suggestion.
Just to add more grist to the mill I noticed it had gone up in price when I bought my copy this morning.I don't buy it the rest of the week anymore .I read it on the internet and only buy it at the weekend and Mondays for the Herculis.I think a lot of people are disgruntled about the change in the ST.
And I quite agree edgar I get a lot of fun out this site. I think Q&Pis the most sane category on here.!!