Hi, my daughter and grand-daughter are going to Cannes in May for the festival. its the 1st time they have gone and would like to know if anyone else on here has ever been as she needs a little advice, please let me know if you have? Thanks.
Hi, best place to stand to get a good view, and she is hopefully going to try if its allowed to get an autograph, best places to eat, cheapest transport and anything else your partner might think she needs to know to keep them safe as she is taking her 4 year old with her. x
Hi sorry for the late answer but she now lives in Germany and it took me a while to get hold of her. She can't help much with where to stand etc as she's often there in a professional capacity but she says Auberge Provencale for cheap but excellent food and Tetu if you want to go celeb spotting. Safety isnt likely to be an issue as it's so busy and she's frequently taken our eldest daughter with her whose always enjoyed it immensely. If you want decent cheap accomodation try one of the little pensions as the hotels fill up quickly and aren't cheap for the festival but there are all the big to be expected places like Novotel which are all fine she says. If you need anything specific then let me know and I can ask her in more detail:)
Hi again Nox, my daughter has asked could you possibly find out if your ex partner knows what actual day do the celebs go to the festival as he dosnt want to miss them, is it everyday that week or just on one occasion, and any other info that she might be interested in. Thanks