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Ann | 00:51 Wed 07th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
See link on chatterbank last week

She is spending Christmas behind bars


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Sorry just seen other link posted elsewhere!
I wonder what has happened to her little boy? Apart from her obvious racist opinion the language she was using was absolutely foul.
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Theres another thread about this story going on in Law section so I will copy my comment from there
Poor poor little boy - firstly for having a Mummy like that and secondly he will miss her whatever she is like as he is so young. Hope someone looks after him at Christmas and gives him plenty of TLC........
I agree Ann. I really don't care what happens to the woman - it is the little boy that I am concerned about. By the look and sound of her she is quite able to look after herself but children should not be subjected to such language.
I'd love to know what she is putting forward as mitigating circumstances - and what nationality do you think her defence lawyer is? It certainly doesn't sound familiar to me.
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I can't get that sweet little boy out of my mind - his lovely little bewildered face - how awful for him to have a mother like that. It makes me so sad as we would have loved a little child like that but were unable to have one ............
sorry, ann ♥

he had a shut-out look, as if he had heard it all before, and didn't like it...

I think I read that he is with her mum?
Like what has been said before, just because of this incident it doesn't mean she's not usually a good mother.
Whilst I think she's a pretty vile object, and child was obviously impervious to her ranting it really doesn't mean that she's not an adequate mother, and it sounds to me as though she's been brought down to the real world with a hell of a bump. She won't be enjoying prison and whilst being on remand isn't anywhere near being incarcerated after sentence, she's still lost 6 weeks of her life inside. Let's hope that when she is finally dealt with, she addresses her issues and gets on with her life.

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