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DR tuesday

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gilliedhu | 11:17 Wed 07th Dec 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
5a) ivy (6) ?e?e?a
29d) gradually finish (5,3) ph??r ???


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phase out if your R is wrong
5 Hedera?
Question Author
thought it might be phase out, the r comes in from tough outer layer, rind
taper off if the PH is wrong
HEDERA, looks OK to me
Question Author
thanks very much to you all, that's a help
You're welcome.
I put peter out....
phase out?....both acceptable
where do the p & r come from.please?
peter out seems more likely. It depends which of of the OP's letters is wrong- the H or the R
sorry,yes the H

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DR tuesday

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