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Susanna Watch

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joggerjayne | 08:09 Fri 09th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I've had a few harsh words recently about Susanna Reid's dresses.

But, today ... she's back on decent form.

Simple, with a stylish crossed over front.

Although, I think darker colours suit Susu better.

And that necklace is, frankly, ludicrous.

So words with the wardrobe dept. are still needed.

But, generally, not bad today.


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i can ignore her and i do, that time of the morning just gettign myself dressed and out the door in one piece is a challenge, i'm not going to a/ try to focus on the tv b/ give a *** about what she's wearing
Susanna needs to be a bit more carful when she crosses her legs........nearly coughed up my tea this morning,
me either alba, think she had a baby though didn't she? It's all in the eyes with her!
so jd and McM were watching very carefully then. In which case what did she say at 7.05 am? lol

There's summat in the water at the Beeb paul. :)
Susanna Reid - MILF

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Susanna Watch

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