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Gender question?

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cupid04 | 19:10 Fri 09th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I've noticed on some aber's stats that they haven't included their gender!
I wonder why this is?


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Perhaps they don't consider it very important.
cupid is a boy yet your profile says that you are female so why does it matter?
Because they are neither here or there.

I think there is one called Herm Affrodiet.
I have just edited mine to "non set" I will see how I feel in a few weeks.
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Lol cazzz1975!
I'm a man.
I guess they wonder why they should. I've been known to leave that sort of information off, unsure why I didn't this time. Maybe I didn't realise one could ?
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Im sure your bum would be more bristly if you were a man, Sara.
I wax, cupid x
dammit, that was a manly "x"
Maybe they think if people know they will treat them differently? I don't know!

Ratter thought I was Dave Grohl because I had him on my avatar! haha :)
It certainly was, mate! Fancy a pint...?
Sara I read it as a boast- "Dammit that was a manly x!!" if you see what I mean!
yes Mark, I'll have a pint of errrr.... Rioja?

Sophie, quite right ;o)
Trolls leave out their gender. I thought it was so they could not easily be traced.
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Are trolls genderless?
a trolls a troll regardless of gender. you can spot them a mile away
I couldn't tell you if I've set my gender or not, so I guess it's just not very important.
Some women claim to be male on web-sites because they feel that may offer them some protection from unwanted 'attentions'. However, they need to be wary of what they say subsequently. I remember one such claimant on a health thread telling everyone that 'he' was having trouble with 'his' uterus!

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