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Fed up with the Euro-fiasco?

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venator | 12:52 Sat 03rd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
We have a slow motion car crash in Europe ; a bunch of clowns who are prancing around doing nothing while speculators get rich.

Meanwhile, we, the intellectual elite on Answerbank seem to have lost interest, judging by the lack of any current threads (apologies if I've missed any)

Come on ABers - let's all buy the Daily Express.


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Well, he's grown a backbone!

Surely the UK would be far better off if we were like Switzerland, which has exactly the same access to EU markets as we do, but without the massive burden of regulations.
and Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Agreement....
If the EEC is such a bad thing why doesn't the UK leave?
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Yes indeed - why don't we?

Clogg/Bliar/ Millipede would have signed up to anything and had us in the Euro
this is a very interesting thread. the only comment i have to make is that i really don't want to be part of europe and ruled by germany throught brussels. there are many things i admire about the germans but not their d uber a.
you are all much more knowledgeable than about this subjec than i am so i will just keep on reading.
Hi: Someone was wonder where were leaders like Churchill, etc.,...Here is in the U. S., the same or worse problems, where are the leaders like Sam Rayburn, Harry Truman, Barry Goldwater,.........the ones where all put the good of the country first, and not their own pocket book and those of corporation donors., there is no hope for our country......someone just said (James Carville) that the republicans have candidates, as dumb as the general GOP voter. I feel the candidates, even if Obama wins, he must satisfy those with money who are running the country.

I don't know which is worse, personal responsibility vrs welfare for the deadbeats, or the liars, scammers on wall street, and the politiicans whose pockets they line. Apathy is rampent among the citizenry, at the last borough election (where there wasn't a polariziing issue) there was a 11 to 15% turnout. For the school bonds, all the people who worked for the schools showed up to vote and the bond issues passed, raising our property taxes. We get the government that those 11-15% want, the rest had a case of apathy. I have never missed an opportunity to vote, since I was 18 years old. This may change because my vote is devalued due to apathy of the general population. So we here in the U.S. have as many or worse problems as Europe only of a different type. U. S. and Britain has so much in common. We are sisters and brothers.
well he showed some backbone and denied the franco/german alliance that seems to be in place, and it's not over yet, once the smaller countries like Ireland, Greece, know what is fully involved, if they agree to the terms so far on the table, they may not like what they have to agree to. A federalist Europe is not and never was part of the ideology of the EEC, the original agreements put in place was for trade, not so we could have a central controlling body, and Germany will be the country in ascendency, and why indeed should Britain sign up to that. It's still got a long way to go, and listening to Milliband yesterday you would think that he would sign on the dotted line, yet has expressed the opinion long before that had he been PM would not sign up to the Euro, so where does he really stand.
Oh I just wanted to you to know this is the first time I have posted on chatterbank. Interesting!
nohorn, you missed out FDR.
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Welcome, thrice welcome, nohorn! Answerbank is a fun place, inhabited by a rich mix of loonies, lateral thinkers, old pals' mutual support groups, religious and political thinkers.

Almost anything goes, but there is a swear filter to get round, and it's moderated by a team of garden gnomes, who can wreak terrible vengeance on those who overstep the mark.

Could you help by explaining in simple words, exactly what Republicans & democrats stand for, and what's the difference between them?
I get the Express anyway!
as to whoever suggested Maggie Thatcher signed the Maastrict Treaty, surely that would have been John Major in 1992, two years after she left office. She also didn't want to join the Euro, but many in her party did, which by and large led to her downfall.
em - hear, hear

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