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question for Stokemaveric

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Dee Sa | 10:22 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I was watching tv yesterday some programe about the propert market and a guy on there said he made his living [about £500 per week] by doing reverse betting on line, he said it was far easier to predict the loosers then 1 winner. How does this work and was he fibbing ?


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morning dee,no he wasnt fibbing,you can bet on a horse to lose if you can watch a race and bet ''in running'' say you have had a £50.00 bet on a favourite and that horse looks like it is not going to win then you can bet on it not reduced odds of least i think that is how it works ive never tried it,although i might with some of my tips lol...
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Surely if there's say 10 horses running and you bet on 9 not to win, you're going to win yourself in this?

Or is it not that simple?
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