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Ed's Christmas present

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abstibus | 19:49 Mon 12th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
The back button is working!! The first time in weeks.


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Must have favourites then as mine isn't.
half way there - now the Avatars????

And the lights look nice.

I thought about lighting up my sheep - something like this.

Oh well done Ed, I have just popped in to ask for avatars, I'm sure there's a job lot going somewhere. Pretty please, I want to change mine to a tree. Thank you Ed.
My BACK button now working also.
Thanks Ed and a very Merry Christmas to you.
It would make my chrimbo better if my avatar changed, It still has not changes, and the back only sometimes works but not always. :-(
I've been trying to get my Christmas avatar up since the first of the month, no idea what the problem is but I wish they'd fix it

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Ed's Christmas present

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