Hi everyone,
Has anyone noticed how bitter Cadbury's chocolate has become? I don't think it's my taste buds that have changed, as my friend who never eats anything but the above has also noticed it.
I bought a Quality Street anniversary tin, registered with the website, put in the code, then the security code which was generated, but a message kept coming up saying invalid code. How can it be invalid when they give you it and you copy it exactly. After six attempts I gave up. - Frustated! yes I am
I really dislike the taste of Cadbury's chocolate so haven't had it for years. It leaves a nasty bitter gritty aftertaste. Can't comment obviously whether anything has changed.
It's probably a personal taste thing Ratter. My son feels the same about Cadbury's choc. It must be in our genes. Even the texture of it in the mouth is all wrong!!!
Bournville isn't as bad, I can tolerate that, but Cadbury's milk is just horrible to me!! And I love chocolate.
I know as chocolate goes it isnt a great quality chocolate but I still like it, but there again I love all chocolate as of which my expanding waist line is evident.
Quality Street isn't Cadbury's so this must be two separate comments.
As a committed ABer I will do my duty and carry out some thorough chocolate research over the next couple of weeks. It's a tough job, but someone has got to do it.