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It's crunchy outside.

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albaqwerty | 16:24 Fri 16th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
The snow turned slushy earlier and it's now starting to freeze. Yuck.

Hope you all stay safe and warm.


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Yeah it is, crunchy and lethal. Just been up to the dentists for Mini Boo's checkup, only to be told it's for 16th JAN not Dec- felt a bit of a twonk, not to mention a cold one.
well thats me stuck in the house then til it 'unfreezes'i cant even walk to the car in it,needed two people to help me last year,it was so bad we had to park further away from the house as the car kept getting stuck.
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I dragged my sons to a dental check up, 24 hours early. Boy, I thought 24 hours early was bad enough, but a month B00!!!!!!
lol, dunno what I was thinking Alba, just clocked the 16th- never thought to check the month bit out, lol.

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It's crunchy outside.

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