Several individuals where I work have a very limited English vocabulary, it's so frustrating when trying to explain things to them, their standard answer to most questions is 'yes'
If I moved to a foreign country I'd make the effort to learn the language otherwise how can people expect to get on?
I think it's only sensible to make yourself intelligible to the people you live among. You wouldn't believe the trouble I went to when I came down from Scotland in 1972!
Common sense! If you move to a country whose language you can't speak, you SHOULD be required to learn that language. If you don't, you're segregating yourself. I've moved to the UK from the USA, luckily we speak the same language, but I've had to learn all the different terms and slang that are different here than in the US, which I was excited and glad to do. I'll always have my own accent, but I definitely speak in such a way that people here know what I'm on about!
There was a case in the news this week where 75% of the children at one school are not fluent in English because another language is spoken at home. You get the feeling that although this ruling is sensible it appears that we are shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.
Common sense in the main. I would expect to be able to speak the language or at least make it my intention to learn the language if it was the intention to live in another country permanently. Also to observe and respect the laws and the habits of that particular country.
I respect other peoples views, but my own view is that if a person chooses to live in a 'foreign' land as a resident. then that person should, out of courtesy to his/her hosts,make an effort to speak that nations language, not to do so displays an ignorance, and a view that the host people should speak their language.
On the TV news last night, it showed Rashida Chapti, working in a factory on her sewing machine, It was interesting to note that all her fellow workers were also Asians.
Is there a bit of discrimination against whites, going off here?