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Music on planes

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iwbus | 08:27 Tue 11th Oct 2005 | Travel
6 Answers
Can you take CD players/mp3 players on planes to listen to instead of the airline's music and/or the sounds of noisy kids and people hacking up. I guess I won't be able to use the mp3 player on my mobile as that will have to be turned off right?


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You can use a CD player but it has to switched off during take off and landing. Not sure about MP3 players.
Yes, computers, MP3 players, CD players etc., you can listen to throughout the flight. It's just mobile phones that have to be switched off throughout the flight. 
Remember to take your own earphones. The ones you get on the plane are so huge and uncomfortable.
Any time the seatbelt sign comes on you are supposed to switch cd/dvd/mp3 off otherwise yes u can play them
Actually, to think of it, it depends how large the airplane is.  If it's a Boeing 767, 747 etc. then my previous answer is correct.  If its an airbus or smaller they will mention on the tannoy whether you can or not. I've seen astewardess ask someone to put their music device away on a flight. But definately you cannot have your mobile phone switched on during any flight.
usually they are to be switched off when taking off or land, moibile phones are permitted if they are on flight mode

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