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angelap | 13:37 Wed 09th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers

name the twelve disciples



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Peter, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip Batholemew, Matthew, Simon, Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot.
1) Peter (Simon )
2) Andrew ( Brother of Peter )
3) James ( Son of Zebedee )
4) John ( Brother of James )
5) Philip
6) Bartholomew ( Nathanael )
7) Thomas
8) Matthew ( The Tax Collector )
9) Son of Alphaeus )
10) Judas , - Son of James (Thaddaeus )
11) Simon ( The Zealot )
12 ) Judas Iscariot ( The betrayer )

Again easily found on Google.
Question Author
thank you for your answers. i did actually try using google but came up with a lot of random unreliable stuff. thanks again

For accuracy the 12 you reference are, in reality, Apostles (one sent forth specifically by Messiah). All believers are considered Disciples (one who learns from another). Additionally, one might consider that there were actually 14 Apostles...

After Judas' betrayal, Matthias was selected by the others, according to Luke's Acts of the Apostles 1:15-26 and Paul (Saul of Tarsus) argues that he is also an Apostle of the Christ and of the same stature as the original 12 in several places, but notably Titus 1:1 and especially, Galatians 1:1-2, among others...

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