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As I haven't seen anyone say It yet....

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EvianBaby | 14:05 Tue 20th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
By this time next week it will all be over!



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No alcohol for me. I struggle enough without it. I'm better off having a lie down.
Back to the topic of your post EB.....I think most of us have probably thought it, and thinking of all the money we have spent for just TWO days. Totally crazy, but when we have grandchildren/children then we make it good for them.:-)
sounds good to me, i got given some bolly yesterday as well :-)
so new years day is the 2nd of January? Does that mean even though 2012 is a leap year it still only has 365 days? Does that mean my birthday will be on the 24th of August next year? What happens with Easter? Do I get and extra days holiday added to my usual allowance in work? Can I pick a day that I can have twice?
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I will say I'm not totally bah humbug Mumsie. I do enjoy waking my sisters kids up on Christmas morning (an adult waking up children....I know!) and then we go round bright an early to watch them open their pressies. I do like that bit. Although that might just be because I know there's a slap up breakfast on it's way after that. :)
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Paul!!!!! Please, my little brain can't cope!!!!
Paul - breathe

don;t know
yes for jubilee
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Does the bender mind?
Knee deep doesn't sound right.............
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PMSL ^^^
thanks fluff, so what's January 1st then? Do I have to sing auld land syne for 24 hours solid? What if my hands get clammy and slip out of the person's next to me? Will new year be ruined? Will the date on my calendar be 01/01/2011b? Is David Cameron to blame for all this or is it nooo laybur (or however that type of person says it)? Will the pope have a fight with David Cameron? Who would win?
<<I'm not having two Christmas days! >>

Oh yes you are!!!! The real one and the day off work (apologies for the 4 letter word) one.
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I blame it on Tony Blair, hoodies, pensioners, benefit claimants and Jeremy Clarkson.

Oh, and it would be the pope. He's got one of them magic cross things aint it? Works a bit like a light saber.
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Dzug - ssshhhhhhhh!!! ;)

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Do you know the answer?

As I haven't seen anyone say It yet....

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