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The One Show daily guests

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smurfchops | 20:17 Tue 20th Dec 2011 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers
Could we do without the daily 'guests' on The One Show with everyone brown nosing them and cackling and could we just have the little snippets of information about nature and food and history etc?


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Whoops, it let me say 'bugger'. Ooooh aren't I naughty!!
I think Chiles and Bleakley were totally wrong for morning viewers!!

Yes, Em, I had forgotten about the money issues too, but the BBC would have been wiser to pay him more and keep The One Show fresh and entertaining. I never watch it now, it's just boring same old, same old.
Yes you are LL. Go and stand in the corner facing the wall :-)
Missp, sorry didn't see you there, not much to be done, she said it's a bad virus, temperature up, feeling nauseous, ears blocked, cough like i smoke players untipped, no don't smoke, and eating causing enormous problems, so can't go far... shopping then home, looks like it's in till it goes. If it gets worse told to call out of hours doc, not good..
Let's just hope you will feel better soon.Take care.
Thank you, very kind...
Oh dear Em. Hope you feel better soon x
knocked me over this time, and not even a drink in sight.
Lots of people seem to be ill at the moment. Always the way pre Christmas. Dingy cold weather, crammed into hot shops with germy people, stress. Roll on spring I say.
LL, me too, can't abide the cold.

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