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Do you want to see something funny?

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cupid04 | 15:44 Wed 21st Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Then look under 'I'm with stupid' in seasonal. Lol.


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can't find it. tried the search function .
I'm not seeing a thread with that title in 'seasonal'.
probably pulled then
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Sorry on the abers christmas card [in christmas] I suppose I'll get told off
oh dear *Chortlesplutters* like it...ED quick sort it.....
do I gather it was deliberate then oh great one..?
Did you do that on purpose Ed?
At least you're on there now cupid......You lot should worry.I think the Ed thinks I'm an Old git :o(
I have B00 on top of me...
I'm on top :-)
I'm B00's second-in-command.............
How do you get on the card?
Ask the ed missprim
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Ed's playing silly b's, there are now two Dave's and Factor30 has vanished off
the card. And Boo isn't first anymore, she wont be pleased with the latest

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