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Min Spies

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whiskeryron | 12:37 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I really fancied some real Min Spies this year, so I ordered them on line to be sent direct from Min which as you all know is a small island off the coast of Vlad in the Bosporus. Three very large secret agents turned up yesterday which unfortunately I will have to return as they will not fit in the dining room & in any case they do not go with the furnishings.Be wary when you buy on line.

Merry Christmas all.



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Ron, I had the same problem when I ordered the King's peach ;o)
Neti, Robinia and Shaney making themselves at home at your place then?
lol love it!
Bl**dy cheek B00. we are not three VERY LARGE anything.

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