The lack of respect for teachers, and society in general, is the result of lack of parental control. By the time a child arrives in a school, his concept of social boundaries, and lack of them, has already been put in place, or not, by his parents. It is the nature of children to constantly test the boundaries placed on them, in this way they learn the restraints that allow them to live in a society along side others. Increasingly, such boundaries, and the reasons for them, are not put in place, leaving children feeling insecure, and unable to except any behavioural constraints which are necessary to run a successful classroom. If proper emphasis on rights, together with appropriate responsibilities was taught within the home, society as a whole would benefit. Because the Tory government spent eighteen years telling the nation that teachers were rubish, it's hardly surprising if parents, children, and in fact teachers themselves, began to believe it! Freedom comes with a price - when society learns to pay for its freedoms in advance, we may return to the days when respect was earned and returned, not demanded and refused.